The transient Rayleigh wave method is applied to the test of expressway project, and its advantages of simplicity and economy are also brought into full play. 多道瞬态瑞雷波技术是近年来发展起来的一种分辨率高、应用范围广、受场地影响小、检测设备简单、检测速度快的无伤监测技术。
A Rayleigh distribution fits target peaks and a Gauss distribution fits clutter peaks, which is verified by K-S test. 采用K-S统计分布拟合检验方法证明了图像中目标峰值和背景杂波峰值分别服从瑞利分布和高斯分布。
The method using transient Rayleigh surface wave has advantages of the non-destructive test and good representation to meet the needs of the highly-developed highway engineering. 应用瞬态瑞雷面波法对公路工程的质量检测,具有非破损性、高代表性的优点,能很好的适应公路工程快速发展的需求。
Research conclusions: This paper presents how to use the geological radar and transient Rayleigh wave method to test the existing railway subgrade, and summarizes a complete testing method that is of high maneuverability, rapid, accurate, simple and convenient, none-damaged and effective. 研究结论:用地质雷达和瞬态瑞雷波法等检测既有铁路路基,总结出一整套操作性较强的快速、准确、简便、无损、有效的检测方法;
Results are presented for Rayleigh number in the range of 10 4 to 10 6.The computation result and predictor test show that this procedure can fully reflect conjugate conduction with natural convection in enclosure. 具体分析了瑞利数变化范围为104到106时建筑围护结构传热对室内自然对流的影响.数值预测结果表明:该方法能够真实反映室内自然对流问题。
Application of the Ground Penetrating Radar and Rayleigh Wave Method in Quality Test of Hydraulic Concrete 探地雷达和瑞雷波方法在水工混凝土质量检测中的应用
Application of Rayleigh wave test to the subgrade compactness detection 瑞雷波法在路基密实度无损检测中的应用
( 2) Principal stress orientations vary significantly, showing no dominant consistent direction. Tests are then performed to see whether the stress orientations are not random distribution within bins that pass the Rayleigh test. 主应力方向变化较大,看不出一致的优势方向;用Rayleigh检验检验了应力取向是否为随机分布;
The paper designs a Turbo encoder following the Rayleigh channel model, at the same time, introduces the decoding structure and the decoding algorithm. At last, it carries the test throught emulation and gets the better results. 设计了一种Turbo码编码器,并结合瑞利信道模型,给出了解码结构,推导了解码算法,进行了仿真实验,并得到了较好的仿真结果。
Rayleigh wave generated by traffic can spread farther than the general load, because its wave length is shorter, so we can use it to test deep-seated soils. 交通荷载产生的波频率低,传播较深,因此利用交通荷载产生的表面波能获的更深土层的参数。
In the test of significant between the observed distribution and hypothetical distribution ( Poisson or discrete Rayleigh) the graph observation, variance or standard deviation comparison and x2 test were used. 在试验实际分布与设想的分布(泊松分布或离散瑞利分布)是否适合时,所用方法有三种,即分布图上观察、均方差或标准偏差比较和χ~2试验。
The multicomponent Rayleigh wave exploration system and its test effectiveness 多分量瑞利波勘探系统和试验效果
The working principle of transient Rayleigh wave method, which is embodied in geophysical test new technique developed in recent years, in addition to the theoretical basis, advantages and existing problems applied in the hidden trouble test of highway roadbeds are briefly discussed. 简要论述了近年来发展起来的地球物理检测新技术方法中的瞬态瑞利面波法工作原理,以及应用在公路路基隐患检测中理论基础、优点和存在的问题。
Based on the principle of Rayleigh wave test, it introduces the testing method to detect compactness of subgrade, and provides the experiment equipment and detection process. 根据瑞雷波法的检测原理,介绍了其在填土路基密实度无损检测中的设备组成和检测步骤。
On the basis of the modulus of resilience tested on site, the mechanical performance of highways subgrade was investigated in a systematical way by the Rayleigh Wave test, bending test, field CBR and loading plate test. 根据路基现场回弹模量实测资料,采用瑞利波测试、弯沉测试、现场CBR与载荷板试验,系统研究了路基的力学特性。
Based on Optical Time-Domain Reflectometry and Rayleigh Scattering, fully automatic control mechanics-optics coupling test system was designed for triaxial shear model tests of sliding sensing and the constitutive relation of sliding sensing using distributed fiber sensing was investigated. 基于光时域反射技术和瑞利散射原理,将高精度的自动力-光耦合测试系统与土工大三轴剪切试验仪相结合,完成了光纤滑动监测的力-光本构关系模型试验。
The dispersive characteristics of the Rayleigh waves propagated in the layered media are investigated experimentally by ultrasonic detection test, especially in the presence of a low-velocity layer. 通过超声实验研究了沿分层介质,特别是含有低速层的分层介质传播的瑞利波频散特征。
Adjacent-channel transient Rayleigh wave method and its application in compression strength test of water-tight wall 相邻道瑞雷波法及在防渗墙强度检测中的应用
Through the comprehensive geophysical prospecting test ( including Rayleigh wave method and high density method), this paper made a more in-depth analysis of the internal structure characteristics, and explained abnormal area of the test results, inverted the sliding process of the landslide. 通过现场综合物探(瑞利面波法和高密度电阻率法)测试,对滑坡体内部结构特征作了更深入的分析,并对测试结果异常区进行了解释,反推了坡体的滑动过程。
The method I improves the horizontal resolution of Rayleigh wave test by using the advantages of the method which extract frequency dispersion curve for the double channels signal and the multi-channels Rayleigh wave test. 方法I利用两道法提取频散曲线方法局部性强的优势以及多道瑞雷波测试获取信息量大的特点,提高了多道瑞雷波测试的横向分辨率。
In the Rayleigh wave test, extracting the reliable and accurate frequency dispersion curve is the base of the inversion work. 在瑞雷波测试中正确稳定的提取频散曲线是后期反演工作的基础。
Finally, the program is used in Nankou Rayleigh Wave test to validate it, obtaining satisfying results. 最后,结合该程序在南口面波数据处理中的应用对这套系统进行测试,效果良好。